Where have we been…

Sometimes I can mark the passing of time by what I haven’t done… Looking at our website and realizing that there hasn’t been a new post here in almost two years is a shocking realization that my focus has been elsewhere: developing new sites (miamibeachvisualmemoirs.com and On-MiamiBeach.com), keeping up on Facebook (posting to at least three pages), making and keeping connections on e-mail, editing new productions and the endless collecting and paying of bills.

What brought me up short was to get word out that we are showing our “Brief History of South Miami” to the South Miami City Commission this evening. This is the story of a classic Southern town, created with the coming of the railroad, whose tracks marked the separation line between White and Black. The link to view the video is below…

A Brief History of the City of South Miami from Carl Hersh on Vimeo.

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