Communicating with Humans in a Search Engine World

Getting through the tangle of net-distractions looks daunting -- but don't lose hope.

Getting through the tangle of net-distractions looks daunting — but don’t lose hope.

Not since the invention of the telegraph machine have we had such a game-changing means of communicating at our fingertips. Good messages are getting to the right people as fast as the speed of light and our fingers can type.

But many fall short of the mark. There is simply too much data to take in, too much stimulation visually and intellectually for our brains to sort through. We may yell “too much information!” Yet back we come to the screen because we’re afraid we might miss something.

What I feel is a calling to help people doing important work get their messages seen and heard through the cacophony. You know what stands out when you see it because you do see it. The message is fresh, simple yet innovative, insistent and clear.

We’ve learned how to do that very well and we’d like to help you. Tell us about your project, your mission, your good work and let’s talk about creating a message that will get to the people you need to reach.

Con mucho gusto. It would be our pleasure.

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