Welcome to our site rebuild

EyeofHorusKeeping ahead of the curve means constantly looking at and evaluating new technologies and how they change the communications process. Shakespeare had the eyes as the window of the soul, and Marshall McCluhan had the medium as the message.The ancient Egyptians had the Eye of Horus that represents their six senses: Touch, Taste, Hearing, Thought, Sight, and Smell. These 6 parts of the “eye,” were the receptors of “input.”
Today, an internet website is the “window,” the “message” and the “input” for our age. Taking Shakespeare, McCluhan and the Egyptians’ advice to heart, we just rebuilt this website. Glad you could come. Take your time. Look around. Welcome to our soul.

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Tweetcast provides video blog reports of events promoted through the Twitter social network. Tweets cross promote videos accessed by cellphone and computer. These videos include full graphic animations, interviews, exclusive point-of-view footage, and behind-the-scenes action with artists